Building Safer Communities Together
Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency and Seismic Safety
Los Angeles Seismic Retrofit Program
The City of Los Angeles requires owners of soft, weak, or open front (SWOF) buildings with 3 or more dwelling units to retrofit their buildings per Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapters 9 and 15. Owners have 1 year to submit structual analysis and plans, 2 years to obtain permits, and 7 years to complete construction. The law took effect October 9, 2015 and applies to buildings constructed prior to 1978. SWOF building owners must also notify their tenants of the building's potentially hazardous condition.
Please contact us if you are considering adding ADU accessory dwelling units, living roofs or other sustainability projects.
Buildings Effected by the Ordinance
- Wood frame construction (Type V)
- Concrete Building constructed before 1980
- Application of permit for original construction prior to 1/1/1978
- Three or more residential units
- Two or more stories over a basement or underfloor area
- Building has not been seismically strengthened to the standards
The property owner must submit proof of previous retrofit or comply with the ordinance within the following time limits from the start date of sending out orders:
1. Submit plans to retrofit or demolish: 2 Years
2. Obtain permit to start construction of demolition: 3 Years
3. Complete Construction: 7 Years
Enhance. Comply. Protect.
That's Not just thinking big...It's Seismic thinking TM

Not Just a Safer Building
A Greener Building
From solar panels to HVAC, there are thousands of eligible improvements you can make to your property. Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate financing can cover energy efficiency, water conservation and risk mitigation improvements. Take this opportunity to find ways to not only improve property safety, but also to lower energy costs and to increase the value of your property.
Finance Your Improvements In 4 Easy Steps

Apply for the Seismic Retrofit Program
Property Owners qualify for the Program based on the equity in the property and certain underwriting criteria
Start by completing a short form via our website application.
Once application is accepted, you will be able to create a web account.
The web account includes information about the Program, Registered Professionals in your area and resources such as guides and other eligible water conservation or energy efficiency improvements.

Once you are prequalified, continue your application.
Upload required documents for underwriting via your web account.
Receive Financial Approval up to Maximum Assessment Amount.
Select your Engineer or Contractor from our list of eligible Registered Professionals or ask your professional to apply to our Program.
Financing is subject to financial and technical approvals and to entering into an assessment contract which will set forth the interest rate and other terms and conditions.

Final approval of your application is subject to technical approval of your proposed project.
Develop the retrofit plan and submit to building department for approval
Submit your engineer's plans for an earthquake sensitivity analysis (SEL report).
Your contractor's proposal are submitted to CounterpointeSRE for PACE technical approval.
Make arrangement with our Program to close your assessment and arrange payment schedule.

Begin your Seismic Retrofit
The Program can provide Progress Payments to your Registered Professionals and reimburse you for your expenses.
Soft Costs of construction can be included in your financing: permits, inspections, design, financing costs, plans, etc.
A final Assessment amount will be recorded at the Tax Collectors office.
You will receive an addtional line item on your regular property tax bill from the city for the Assessment payment. Payments are only made through your property tax bill.
Assessment can transfer to new owner should you sell the property.
For more information, see the FAQ section under Our Programs